Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Disney movies | Top 5 Wednesday

I'm a sucker for animated movies but that doesn't mean I love them all. 

Here's my top 5 Disney movies !

5- Monsters, Inc.

There's something about this movie that makes it so good you just never get bored of re-watching it over and over again

Maybe it's Boo

Maybe it's Boo and Sulley's (AKA: shalabi) relationship or all the characters in the end we love it anyway. 

4- Wreck-It Ralph

Okay I have to admit outcasts who just wanna fit in is something I always love whether it's a movie, series or a book 

3- The Nightmare Before Christmas

Characters, plot, just everything about this movie is 

2- Meet the Robinsons

When I first discovered this movie I spent a whole month doing nothing but re-watching it so I think it deserves to be number 2 

and before #1:

Some honorable mentions that couldn't make it on the list:

- The Lion King

- The Hunchback of Notre Dame

- Lady and the Tramp 1&2

-Bambi 2

I'm sure not a lot of people will agree with me on this one...


I'm sorry It's just.....

How can you not Love them ?!

QOTD : Tell us what's your top 5 Disney movies !