Thursday, May 29, 2014


Note: This isn't anything book-related, but this is a very important topic that just had to be addressed.

Unless you've been living under a rock, you've probably noticed the #YesAllWomen trend on twitter by now. In case you don't already know, on Saturday, May 24, 2014, a 22-year-old named Elliot Rodger murdered 6 women near the campus of the University of California, Santa Barbara before shooting himself in the head because they had rejected him.

Elliot Rodger in his final video before murdering 6 women

"You girls have never been attracted to me," he said in a video he shot before going on his killing spree. "I don’t know why you girls aren't attracted to me, but I will punish you all for it. It's an injustice... I don't know what you don't see in me. I'm the perfect guy and yet you throw yourselves at these obnoxious men instead of me, the supreme gentleman."

That was the catalyst for the trend, but it wasn't the reason. Women have been abused and have lived in fear of men for far too long. It's time to finally take a stand.

Women everywhere are sending a clear message with this trend: "We are no longer going to sit quietly and let ourselves be oppressed!" We are letting the entire world know what we have to put up with everyday since we were as young as thirteen years old, or maybe even younger.

It got me thinking of how Farah and I were planning to go to an amusement park with a group of friends (all girls) and some of our friends chose not to come because it wouldn't be safe. Those of us that are going are really nervous and we're all taking precautions like wearing long-sleeved shirts and baggy pants, so we'd have a better chance of being left alone. Why do we live in a world like this?

Women from all over the world have been brave enough to share their stories and we can relate to every single one of them. It makes me sick to see how so many of us have been harassed or abused and haven't gotten any justice for it. What makes me even more sick is that a lot of men have bashed these women, claiming that they "asked for it" because of the way they dressed, as if that totally justifies rape, or "not all men are like that." The problem is that men who aren't like that do nothing to stop those who are. I've seen the word "feminazi" so many times, it makes me want to scream! Though, to be fair, lots of men have been very supportive too, so kudos to you if you're one of these commendable men. If only all of the men in the world were like you, we wouldn't need this hashtag in the first place! 

Don't go about thinking that this is just some silly trend that will be forgotten in a few days. It will only be forgotten if you let it. This hashtag is such a powerful and effective way to stand up to sexism and misogyny. So ladies, don't be afraid to share your horrible experiences because you're showing the world that you're not going to stand for it anymore and you're giving other girls the courage to speak up too by showing them that they're not alone. Your voice is important, so let it be heard. And if you're a man, don't get all defensive and just hear what women have to say. Read, empathize, learn.

Some of the tweets that have been posted:

Monday, May 26, 2014

New Changes

Welcome our new blog Admin !!

(btw click Here to know who's who)

Why we needed to join forces ?

Laila reads fantasy, dystopian, mystery, sci-fi while I read romance , contemporary and chick lit, so now we can review a wider variety of books.

If you're an old reader you'll know that I don't care much about "grammar" nor "punctuation" while Laila on the other hand is obsessed with correcting every single mistake i make so now you can read without laughing at my mistakes.(laila is having a proud moment)

I'm also the type who would search something and then open hundreds of tabs , read one and then get bored and close them all. Laila, on the other hand, doesn't mind spending hours reading them.

So now I bet you're asking yourselves, "What does Farah even do, then?"

Well, I started the blog and became obsessed with it. Whenever I read something, I'm like, "I gotta review this on my blog!",or "I gotta share this on my blog!"

Also, I'm the one doing all the backstage work, like editing HTML , blog layout and promoting the blog (but Laila is the one researching how to do that.)   
A few words by Laila:

Hello there, readers. My name's Laila and I'm new to this blog.I love reading blogs and I've always been intrigued by the idea of having a blog and thought that it would be super fun, but I'm pretty much the shiest person on the planet, so I never had the guts to actually start one. That was until Farah told me she had one, so when I asked her to help me start one, she said, "Why don't you just join mine?" I was really nervous about it at first, but then I thought, "What have I got to lose?" So here I am, writing my first ever blog post with my amazing friend. I tend to blabber a lot, so please bear with me. I'm looking forward to having a wonderful time sharing my thoughts with you.